
《观察与建议》| 2020年后中华人民共和国的减贫政策选择

亚洲开发银行 亚洲开发银行 2021-09-06
《观察与建议》2020-03 | 2020年后中华人民共和国的减贫政策选择
Observations & Suggestions: Post-2020 Poverty Reduction Policy Options for the People’s Republic of China
This publication offers recommendations for the post-2020 poverty reduction strategy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) based on international practices and geared toward sustaining inclusive economic growth in thecountry.

Rapid economic growth and sustained anti-poverty efforts have significantly reduced extreme poverty in the PRC and it anticipates eradicating extreme poverty by 2020. In other countries, experiences show how poverty reduction causes the emergence of new types of poverty. In the PRC, anti-poverty efforts must continue to be implemented and at the same time consider changes and potential consequences.




  • 中国是一个中高收入国家,在减少极端贫困和发展现代实体及经济基础设施方面,取得了巨大成就。经过几十年的经济转型,中国城乡居民的生活水平得到显著提高。在过去的40年中,中国已成功使8亿多人口摆脱了极端贫困,并计划在2020年底前全面消除极端贫困。

    The PRC is an upper middle-income country that has made tremendous progress in reducing extreme poverty and developing modern physical and economic infrastructure. Four decades of economic transformation have brought about improved living standards in urban and rural areas. The PRC has lifted over 800 million people out of extreme poverty in 40 years and aims to eradicate it by the end of 2020.

  • 国际经验表明,即使人均国内生产总值高的国家也存在贫困人口。在已成功实现减贫的国家和地区,低收入、失业、经济脆弱性和缺乏社会保障等问题都会导致新型贫困的出现。

    International experience shows that even at high levels of gross domestic product per capita, countries continue to have population segments that experience poverty and deprivation. In countries and regions that have successfully reduced poverty,new types of poverty emerge due to low incomes, unemployment, economic vulnerability, and the lack of social protection.


  • 中国的新减贫战略应当考虑重新定义贫困线,多维度实施减贫,制定一体化城乡减贫战略,并且将脆弱性这一概念纳入减贫政策。本文为实现这些目标提供了政策建议。
    A new poverty reduction strategy in the PRC should consider the importance of redefining the poverty line, treating poverty as multidimensional, developing an integratedrural–urban poverty strategy, and including the concept of vulnerability inpoverty reduction policies. This note provides policy recommendations to that end.

  • 包容性经济增长是减贫和改善民生的关键驱动力。保持包容性经济增长的政策对中国在2020年后的发展至关重要。这些政策建议包括齐心协力提升人力资本,改善医疗保健和社会保障的可获得性和质量,以及应对人口迅速老龄化。
    Inclusive economic growth is a key driver of poverty reduction and improved living standards. Policies to sustain inclusive economic growth are critical for the PRC in the post-2020 era. Recommendations include concerted efforts to upgrade human capital,improve access to and quality of health care and social protection, and addressrapid population aging.
Observations and Suggestions is an English-Chinese bilingual publication series produced by experts from inside and outside of ADB's East Asia Department. The policy notes are designed to provide information and advice on development issues to East Asia’s civil servants and policymakers. They are produced either on request from the Government or as an initiative of the East Asia Department on topics expected to emerge as policy or reform priorities



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